Welcome Centre

We are constantly changing in order to provide better service to our students. The project entitled „Welcome to PBS – przystosowanie Politechniki Bydgoskiej do przyjmowania i obsługi studentów oraz kadry z zagranicy” (Eng. Adapting PBS to Improve the Process of Enrolment and Support of Foreign Staff and Students) has been awarded funding of almost 275 600 PLN. The implementation of the project started on 01.05.2022 and will end on 30.04.2023. Nonetheless, its impact will continue to last for years to come.

The main aim of the project is shaping attitudes of the teaching, research, and administrative staff towards persons originating from foreign countries. A set of activities such as intercultural workshops and trips has been undertaken for the purpose. Another core outcome of the project is the creation of the Welcome Center, an office dedicated to providing quality service to foreign staff and students.

Julianna Góra
phone: 52 374 92 91, e-mail:

Project "Welcome to PBS - Adapting PBS to Improve the Process of Enrolment and Support of Foreign Staff and Students " contract no. BPI/WTP/2021/1/00014/U/00001 is supported by European Union.

The project is being implemented in the period from May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023.
Budget - 275 600 zł.